“John harris has been a part of my boys life since my oldest wasi in foruth grade. They are now rising freshman and junior in college. his trainin is more than just basketball… he teaches children sportsmanship, how to themselves, and that the game you love opens up countless possibilities. john is mentor for life. over the years, i have seen him develop many players and he also continues to develop himself. its a pleasure to knowing hima and his family”

-mike c.

parent -sons plat at the highschool & dii collegiate level

lets work !

Fall Preseason Prep Academy starts August 26th - October 24th.

Preseason Prep Academy is our unique program specifically designed to prepare players for tryouts and their upcoming season.

This 9 week program is skill development focused, with the opportunity to play 3 v 3 and develop through professional coaching. We intentionally develop all aspects of each player’s game, to help build their confidence as they go into the winter season. Homework will be given as well throughout the program.


2 days/week, Tuesday/Thursday

(co-Ed): 4pm - 5:15pm, 3rd - 5th

intermediate/Middle school:


Girls: 4:30pm - 5:45pm
Boys: 5:45 - 7pm 


Girls: 4:30 - 5:45pm

Boys: 5:45 - 7pm

intermediate/Middle school: On site 3 v 3:


Girls: 5:15pm - 6:30pm

Boys: 6:30pm - 7:45pm

High school/advanced

Monday, Wednesday

Girls: 7pm - 8pm

Boys: 8pm - 9pm

On site 3 v 3: thursdays

Girls: 5:30pm - 6:45pm

Boys: 6:45pm - 8pm

Elementary groups:

Training 1 or 2 days/week


Train 2 or 3 days/week


Train 2 or 3 days/week

1 day week: $165/month (41.25/session)

$330 for entire program

2 day/week: $315/month (39.38/session)

$630 for entire program

3 day/week: $435/month (36.25/session)

$870 for entire program

Weekend Shooting Academy



Elementary/beginner: 1pm - 2pm

MS: 2 - 3pm

MS: 3pm - 4pm

HS: 4pm - 5pm

HS: 5pm - 6pm

Wings Basketball Academy is not liable for any injuries or sickness occurred during our activities | All sales are final and not refundable.